Compensation / car accidents


If you have suffered a car or another kind of accident and you want to know if you are entitled to compensation, seek our advice without any obligation.

And do it as soon as possible because there are legal deadlines to present a claim:

Until 6 months after the accident in criminal law and 1 year in civil law, since damage is consolidated.

If the claim is presented after this period of time, you lose any chance of getting any compensation.

Do not worry for our fees. In most of the cases our fees will be paid, totally or in part, by your own insurance company, as most policies include legal defense.

You will not lose anything for asking, and may win a lot.

And remember that, according to the Insurance Contract Law, the policy holder can choose his own Lawyer. Do not let your insurance company choose a lawyer you do not know and that may be more concerned with the company’s interests (as they are the ones who pay) than with yours, being the victim.

Seek for the advice of any Lawyer who has nothing to do with the insurance company and this will be a real defense attorney. THIS IS THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING AN INDEPENDENT LAWYER.

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